By all definitions and understanding of Hospital Management System, HMS is (Enterprise Resource Planning) ERP for hospitals. Same as Hospital.Partners which collects, manages and distributes information across functional boundaries and helps break down information ‘silos’. Those are barriers that stand in the way of full interaction between admission, wards, billing, pharmacy, Laboratory, warehouse, finance and other departments. The resulting higher quality, reduced time of business processes, optimum level inventory at warehouse and pharmacy, and accurate and timely patient billing. Thus higher productivity and lower costs can help improve involved processes and increase efficiency, controls and as well as better profits.
Streamline Hospital Management Processes with ERP System
ERP for hospitals or HMS, with a layer of information, generally termed HMIS eliminates repetitive processes and greatly reduces the need of manual input of data. This also streamlines business processes and makes it easier and more efficient for data generated at various working points and transactions to process. Instead of having data distributed throughout a number of separate applications and databases, all information is kept at a single location for data to be consistent and up-to-date. Similarly Hospital.Partners helps make reporting easier and more customizable. With improved reporting capabilities, complex data requests could be responded more easily. Users can also run their own reports without relying on help from IT or other work domains.
It’s easier to provide improved patient service using ERP software. Billing and service-providing staff can interact with patients with the help of more accurate and speedy access to patients with relevant information and history. Having inter-module operability where a transaction originates from one desk or department, requiring update of same transaction by the input of more data or calculations by another desk or department, can only be achieved through ERP system. This also facilitates in following workflow.
Data updates on a real-time basis, because it is kept at a single location. It improves the accuracy, consistency and security of data. Restrictions to data are also easy, especially in an environment when any originating transaction is passed for approval by one or more users. On the other hand management of user access rights is convenient and failsafe. Electronic signatures and paperless approach is considered an intrinsic part of HMS or ERP for hospitals, i.e. Hospital.Partners. This establishes Hospital.Partners as best HMS having successful implementation in many hospitals in Pakistan.
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