Like any business institution, hospitals have a sufficient inventory of equipment and instruments which are used in laboratories, radiology, operation theaters, wards, and other departments. This is needless to say that all equipment and other infrastructure within a hospital need to be available all the time in perfect order and upright state. These equipment and infrastructure are vital for patient care and treatment in a quality and timely manner. In any hospital management software, this operational domain must be well-defined and placed. Being hospital ERP or hospital management software, Hospital.Partners do not overlook its importance. Therefore, this operational domain is comprehensively provided with due integration with other modules in a real-time way.
Repair and maintenance ticket is generated by the requestor in an electronic way to receive in the respective maintenance department including the Bio-Medical department. The request is acknowledged and the process for repair/maintenance starts. In case of outside repair, a work order is generated otherwise done internally. While in the case when any part is needed it is requisitioned to the respective warehouse. This HMS or Hospital Management software facilitates in following all these processes electronically with embedded workflow and electronic signature. Once repair/maintenance is done an electronic intimation is automatically sent to the requestor. Requester needs to acknowledge that the request for repair/maintenance has been done to the required satisfaction.
This module of Hospital ERP i.e. Hospital.Partners is also integrated with financial accounts. In the case of outside repair, the bill when received is first validated as the required work has been done. Software checks acknowledgment by the requestor if done has been done. Only in that case is software allowed to process the bill and the creditor account is credited by generating an automatic JV. Payment is done through financial accounts using the given option. All costs and charges are also automatically updated in the respective cost centers. At any stage, there is no data redundancy and all transactions are transparent, accurate, and efficient.
Hospital.Partners, The ERP for the hospital covers all operational domains of the hospital through various modules making this a comprehensive HMS